
Koulutusmuoto: Monimuoto-ohjaus
Kieli: englanti

Entrepreneurship course – Learn all areas of how to start a company in Finland

There are many kinds of entrepreneurs: internal entrepreneurs, light entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship via invoicing platforms or cooperatives, and actual entrepreneurship. Which type of entrepreneurship would be the best for you?

People considering entrepreneurship have different backgrounds, skills, and objectives. We will help you achieve your dream and develop your entrepreneurial skills. You can start whenever you like. It is enough that entrepreneurship or light entrepreneurship is a topical option for you in the near future.

During the trainign, your professional skills as an entrepreneur will develop and you will create a practical business plan. The plan is created in Tulosmajakka. It is an easy-to-use online learning environment, which has been created for planning and developing business operations. Tulosmajakka includes guidance videos and written instructions, and you will have free access to it for two years.


  1. You will carry out an initial MAPPING OF SKILLS, which will help you identify, productize, and sell your skills.
  2. You will complete an ENTREPRENEUR TEST and find out more about your own entrepreneurial readiness, together with your strengths and weaknesses.
  3. You will meet your PERSONAL COACH. During the training, you will receive advice and tips for the initial steps of the business operations. There can be one or several meetings, face-to-face or online. You decide how the guidance takes place. Guidance can also be organised in the evenings.
  4. You will create a CONCRETE BUSINESS PLAN or light entrepreneurship plan for your own business idea.
  5. We will help you to apply STARTUP GRANT (Starttiraha).


  • Entrepreneurship and planning business operations
  • Market survey
  • Business types and establishing a business
  • Marketing and sales
  • Productization and service design
  • Financial plan,  profitability and pricing
  • Insurances and social security for entrepreneurs
  • Business risk plan
  • Entrepreneur’s tax, legal and employer knowledge
  • We will help you to apply startup grant (Starttiraha).


Jaana Ollilainen, p. 050 555 3351, jaana.ollilainen@valmennusmajakka.

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